
About CKS 2007

International Scientific Session

Challenges of the Knowledge Society

June 7, 2007

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2007

The main purpose of the International Scientific Session - 2007 held by “Nicolae Titulescu” University and the Business and Administration Faculty in University of Bucharest is to provide an opportunity for academicians and specialists in various social sciences and their related fields, all over the world, to meet and change their opinions. In addition, the Scientific Session will also provide a place for academicians and specialists with cross-disciplinary interests related to social sciences to change their views and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.


Organization Committee:

Prof. PhD Ion Neagu, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Prof. PhD Viorel Cornescu, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Visiting Prof. PhD Shinji Naruo, Ex-JICA ( Japan International Cooperation Agency ) Expert in Romania

Prof. PhD Anatolie Caraganciu, ASE Moldova

Prof. PhD Viorica Cărare, the Institute of Economics, Finance and Statistics, the Academia of Science, Moldova

Prof. PhD Stanciu Cărpenaru, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Prof. PhD Magdalena Platis, University of Bucharest

Prof. PhD Alexandru Olteanu, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Adriana Barnoschi, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Assoc. Prof. PhD Andrei Stănoiu, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Assoc. Prof. PhD Cornelia Nistor, University of Bucharest

Assoc. Prof. PhD Sorin Toma, University of Bucharest

Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Druică, University of Bucharest

Lecturer PhD Răzvan Papuc, University of Bucharest

Lecturer PhD Maria Grigore, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Lecturer PhD Mihai Hotca, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Lecturer Liviu Radu, “ Nicolae Titulescu” University

Assistant Olesea Melnicenco, ASE Moldova

Prep. PhD Student Eng. Emil Florea

Student Ianole Rodica, University of Bucharest


The preliminary schedule of the Scientific Session


Opening Plenary Session:

The June 7, 2007, 9 a.m., in the Amph. 1 of “Nicolae Titulescu” University.


Plenary session:

The June 7, 2007, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m., in the Amph. 1 of “Nicolae Titulescu” University.

Coffee break:

11 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.



Work section: the June 7, 2007, 11.30 a.m. – 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. – 8 p.m., in “Nicolae Titulescu” University halls.

Workshop IT: the June 7, 2007, starting at 11.30 a.m., in “Nicolae Titulescu” University halls.

Workshop Management: the June 7, 2007, starting at 11.30 a.m., in “Nicolae Titulescu” University halls.


Topic Areas:


1. Law

2. International Studies and Relations

3. Economics

4. Management and Marketing

5. Finance and Accounting

6. Education

7. Political Science

8. Public Administration

9. Sociology

10. IT and Public Services; please see Workshop IT

11. International Knowledge Transfer; please see Workshop Management 

12. Cross-disciplinary areas of the above related topics.


Call for Papers, Reports, Abstracts, and Studies:

The International Scientific Session "Challenges of the Knowledge Society" encourages the following types of submissions:


Research Papers: Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed above.


Abstracts: Abstracts of completed or proposed research in any of the topic areas listed above as well as related areas. The abstract for proposed research should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a discussion of expected outcomes.


Student Papers: Research done by students in any of the topic areas listed above or related areas.


Case Studies: Case studies in any of the topic areas listed above or related areas.


Work-in-Progress Reports or Proposals for Future Research: Incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and feedback in any of the topic areas listed above or related areas.


Reports on Issues Related to Teaching: Reports related to innovative instruction techniques or research related to teaching in any of the topic areas listed above, or related areas.


Format of Presentations:


Paper sessions will consist of three to four presentations in a 40 minute session. The session will be divided equally between the presenters.


Panel sessions: will provide an opportunity for three or more presenters to speak in a more open and conversational setting with Scientific Session attendees. Submissions for these 90 minute sessions should include the name, department, affiliation, and email address of each panelist in addition to a description of the presentation and the title page.


Poster sessions will last 90 minutes and consist of a large number of presenters. Poster sessions allow attendees to speak with the presenters on a one-to-one basis.


Registration Fees


There is no fee for students.


50 Euro (or the equivalent in RON) for Romanian and Moldavian contributors or for no-presenting foreign individuals


200 Euro for presenting foreign individuals


Details for payment:


"Nicolae Titulescu” University

Cod fiscal 14770190

Bucharest, Calea Văcăreşti nr. 185, sect. 4


RON: RO80RNCB0082044159390001/RON

EURO: RO53RNCB0082044159390002/EURO

Romanian Commercial Bank

Unirea Branch

43-45 Unirii Ave.



When you will pay the fee, you will have to mention: for the International Scientific Session “Challenges of the Knowledge Society”, June 7, 2007.

Payment deadline: May 31, 2007


Registration fee includes:

Coffee breaks

Admission to sessions

A printed copy of the Scientific Session program

A printed copy of the proceedings, for presenting individuals

A CD Rom copy of the proceedings, for no-presenting individuals





Roxana IANCU, tel: (+40)788.627.527 or e-mail:

Guidelines for the authors

Submitting a Proposal:



1. Create a cover page for your submission. This cover page should include:

a. title of the submission

b. topic area of the submission (chosen from the above list)

c. presentation format (chosen from the above list)

d. name(s) of the author(s)

e. department(s) and affiliation(s)

f. mailing address(es)

g. e-mail address(es)

h. phone number(s)

i. corresponding author if different than leading author


2. Email your abstract and/or paper, along with a title page, to:

Cornelia Nistor: academicians and specialists papers), for topics areas 1 – 5

Elena Druica: academicians and specialists papers), for topic areas 6 – 9 and 12

Adriana Barnoschi: (for academicians and specialists papers), for topic area 10

Sorin Toma: (for academicians and specialists papers), for topic area 11

Rodica Ianole: student’s papers, all topic areas).


Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email within 48 hours.

If you do not wish to email your submission, you may send it via regular mail to:

“Nicolae Titulescu” University, Calea Văcăreşti 185, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania. You have to mention: for the International Scientific Session “Challenges of the Knowledge Society”, June 7, 2007.


3. Submissions will only be published in the Scientific Session proceedings. More information will be provided upon acceptance.


4.Typing instructions


Text margins: 2.5 cm right, 2.5 cm left, 2.5 cm top, 2.5 cm bottom, A4 portrait orientation.


The work title will be written in the middle of the page, in CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD, TIMES NEW ROMAN, font size 14.


The name of the author will be written on the right side of the title, one line distance, font size 12; the institution to which the author belongs and the author’s e-mail address will be specified.


Abstract: a short presentation in English or French of the work, 10 lines maximum, in ITALIC, font size 10, written at a distance of one line from the name of the authors.


The typing of the work will be written at two lines distance from the abstract, TIMES NEW ROMAN, font size 12, one space between lines.


The titles of different parts or chapters will be written in CAPITAL LETTERS on the left of the page, in BOLD, font size 12.


The titles of possible subchapters or paragraphs will be written in normal letters, in BOLD, font size 12.


Works will be presented in English or French, as word documents.


The work title, volume, publishing house, year and country of the publication will be specified after the names of the authors mentioned in the bibliography list.

CKS 2007 details
