About CKS 2010
The 4th International Scientific Session
“Challenges of the Knowledge Society”
April 23-24th, 2010
The main purpose of this International Scientific Session organized by “Nicolae Titulescu” University is to provide an opportunity to academicians, specialists and students also, in various social sciences and their related fields, all over the world, to meet and change their opinions. In addition, the Scientific Session will also provide a place for academicians and specialists with cross-disciplinary interests related to social sciences to change their views and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.
The conference’s languages are English and Romanian.
Interested participants are invited to submit research papers, complete papers (minim 4000 and maximum 12000 words). Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected of a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s) in most cases. All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Topic Areas:
1. Juridical Sciences (Law)-Section 1
1.1. Criminal Law
1.2. Private Law
1.3. Public Law
1.4. Intellectual Property Law
1.5. Standardization of Judicial Practice and Harmonization with the ECHR Jurisprudence
2. Economic Sciences-Section 2
2.1. Economics
2.2. Finance and Accounting
2.3. Management and Marketing
3. Administrative Sciences-Section 3
3.1. Political Sciences, International Studies and Relations
3.2. Education
3.3. Public Administration
3.4. Sociology
4. IT Sciences and Public Services-Section 4
Ion Neagu, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Lorena Bachmaier Winter, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain; Viorel Cornescu,„Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Elena Andreevska, SEE University, Tetovo, Macedonia; Alexandru Olteanu, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Steve W. Becker, DePaul University, Chicago, U.S.A.; Gabriel Boroi, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Dieter Schlafen, Adviser to the Superior Council of the Magistracy, Germany; Myrvete Badivuku-Pantami, University of Pristina, Kosova; Mihai Hotca, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Yusuf Akan, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey; Marcin Marcinko, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland; Tamás Lattmann, National Defence University „Zrinyi Miklos”, Budapest, Hungary; Jiri Fuchs, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic; Nives Mazur-Kumric, „J.J. Strossmayer” University, Osijek, Croatia; Vasilka Sancin, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Titi Paraschiv, Technical Military Academy, Bucharest; Andrei Stănoiu, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Mihane Berisha-Namani, University of Pristina, Kosova; Csongor Herke, University of Pecs, Hungary; Raluca Miga-Beşteliu, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest;Erika Roth, University of Miskolc, Hungary; Vasile Dobrinoiu, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Simona Mihai Yiannaki, European University Cyprus; Nicolae Popa, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Pinar Memiş, „Galatasaray” University, Turkey; Viorel Roş, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest; Clara Tracogna, University of Padova, Italy; Fabio Ramazzini Bechara, Damasio de Jesus Law School, Brasil; Işik Cem, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
Ion Neagu, Viorel Cornescu, Serghei Mărgulescu, Doina Nedelcu, Mircea Damaschin (Head-Manager), Nicoleta Gudănescu, Adriana Barnoschi, Cosmin Olteanu, Rodica Ianole, Simona Hudea, Ioana Firicel, Elena Emilia Stefan, Maria Loredana Popescu, Emil Florea, Dan-Alexandru Sitaru, Lamya Diana Al-Kawadri, Mirela Chiriţă, Mihaela Papa, Alexandra Apostol
Based on their scientific quality, the submissions could be published in one of the following issues:
- LESIJ (“Lex ET Scientia International Journal”), published by the “Nicolae Titulescu” University, indexed in EBSCO International Database (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/e5h-coverage.htm), INDEX COPERNICUS Database (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/karta.php?action=masterlist&id=4891) and DOAJ International Database (http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=openurl&issn=1583039X&genre=journal), and therefore received from ”The National University Research Council” (CNCSIS) the B+ Accreditation.
- The Intellectual Property Right Romanian Magazine (RRDPI), internal CNCSIS Accreditation B (http://www.cncsis.ro/cenaposs/2009/rev_ed/reviste_cat_B.pdf)
- CKS-eBook (Scientific Session Proceedings, indexed BDI by EBSCO-CEEAS, published in partnership with ”Pro Universitaria Publishing House", recognized by ”The National University Research Council” – CNCSIS – on CD-ROM format).
More information will be provided after the double blind review process. The organizers are interested in enlarging the list of potential publishers, so if you can recommend a journal for this purpose please, contact the conference organizers, at conference@univnt.ro ormircea.damaschin.lesij@univnt.ro for details.
Registration and Abstract Submission 1st of March 2010
Notification of Acceptance March 5th 2010
Final Papers Submission 1st of April 2010
Fee Payment April 10th 2010
Final programme publication on the web page April 15th 2010
There is no fee for undergraduate students.
There is 60 Euro fee per paper (or the equivalent in RON) for scholars and specialists. Each author can submit no more than two papers.
The conference fee includes:
- publication of the paper
- Conference Bag: Conference Documents ( the Conference Program, CKS-eBook), other promotional accessories.
- coffee breaks
After the acceptance of your paper, the conference fees will be sent to one of the following bank accounts:
• RO08ROIN910500068311EU01 (for payment in EURO)
• RO51ROIN910500068311RO01 (for payment in RON)
opened at Romanian International Bank SA, Bucharest, Romania, 13 septembrie Branch, 13 Septembrie Street, no. 58-60, district 5
Adding : for Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest, Fiscal Code:14770190.
Please indicate on the payment document: “For The International Scientific Session “Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2010” (payment is a compulsory condition for publishing).
Please contact Ms. Lamya-Diana Al-Kawadri (e-mail: av.ldk.ro@gmail.com)
For academicians and specialists, the papers will be emailed to: conference@univnt.ro or mircea.damaschin.lesij@univnt.ro.
For students, all topic areas, the papers will be emailed to: av.ldk.ro@gmail.com
Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email within 48 hours.
Looking forward to cooperating with you!
Conference manager,
Mircea Damaschin, Ph.D.
Editor-in-chief of LESIJ (Lex ET Scientia International Journal)
Department of Penal Law, Faculty of Law
"Nicolae Titulescu" University, Bucharest
Email: conference@univnt.ro; mircea.damaschin.lesij@univnt.ro
Mobile Phone: 004.0747.078.300
Guidelines for the authors
•The papers shall be written entirely in English language; they must have minimum 4000 words and maximum 12000 words and must comply exactly with the instructions bellow.
•Papers which don’t comply with the formatting conditions described bellow will be returned to the authors and will only be taken into consideration for final reviewing when they fulfill the mentioned standards.
•The papers must be written clearly, concise, without any ambiguities.
Paper Structure:
TITLE OF THE PAPER (centered, bold, Times, 14, CAPS LOCK)
THE FIRST NAME AND THE SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR (centered, Times, bold, 14) (the affiliation and the webmail address will be added like a footnote at the first name and the surname of the author)
ABSTRACT (Times, bold, 11)
No more than 300 words. The abstract must clearly specify the purpose of the paper and the objectives pursued by the author by his/her study.
KEY WORDS: five key words, defining the subject approached in the paper. To be written in Times, 11, italic .
INTRODUCTION (Times, bold, 12)
The introduction shall have a page at the most, however not less than half a page. The text must provide answers for four questions. (1) What matter does the paper cover? (2) Why is the studied matter important? (3) How does the author intend to answer to this matter? (4) What is the relation between the paper and the already existent specialized literature? This introductory section shall be written clearly, and any confusion in communicating the four answers might result in paper rejection. (Times, 12)
PAPER CONTENT (headline depending on the specific of the approach subject) (Times, bold, 12)
In this section (or set of sections, as the case might be) the author shall present and support the results he/she intents to communicate by means of the paper. (Times, 12)
CONCLUSIONS (Times, bold, 12)
The conclusions section shall cover three elements: (1) it shall summarize the main outcomes; (2) it shall undertake the implications of such outcomes; (3) suggestions for future researches. (Times, 12)
RERERENCES (Times, bold, 12)
References shall be written in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style. The authors shall visit
http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html for rapid guidelines. (Times, 12).
References are mandatory. There are accepted only footnotes.
CKS 2010 details