About CKS 2012
The 6th International Conference
"Challenges of the Knowledge Society"
"Nicolae Titulescu" University and "Complutense" University
Bucharest, May 11-12, 2012
The main purpose of this International Scientific Conference organized by “Nicolae Titulescu” University, “Complutense” University of Madrid and "Nicolae Titulescu" Foundation of Law and International Relations is to provide an opportunity to specialist, in various social sciences and their related fields, all over the world, to meet and change their opinions. In addition, CKS also provides a place for specialists with cross-disciplinary interests related to social sciences to change their views and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines.
The CKS’s language is English.
Interested participants are invited to submit research papers, complete papers (minim 3000 and maximum 12000 words).
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected of a blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s) in most cases. All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
CKS 2012 details