Conferences announce open calls
We would like to inform you that the two following Conferences announce open calls for those interested. The publications resulting after the organization of the conferences are indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters or will be sent for indexing to Thomson Reuters (see no. 4):
1. Efficiency and Responsibility in Education (The Czech Republic) - Topics: Theory and Methodology of Pedagogy and Education, Information and Knowledge in Lifelong Education and Training, ICT in Education Applications, Practice and Experience):
For more details:
2. First International Virtual Congress – Topics: Science, Education, Sports, Literature, Technology, Pharmacy.
Selected papers will be published in "Research Journal of Recent Sciences" { ISI (Thomson Reuters), ISSN : 2277-2502, Universal Impact Factor 0.3722 }
For more details:
3. IBIMA Conference (Valencia, Spain) – Topics: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness
-2nd Phase (extension) submission deadline: 4 April 2014
For more details, please access:
4. International Conference on Law, Management and Humanities ICLMH (Thailand).
Proceedings will be sent for indexation to Thomson Reuters. Deadline for submission 16th April 2014.
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