CKS 2014 / CKS 2014 Guestbook

"The conference has been organized in an excellent way. At every moment I felt very comfortable with your support. The topics of the conference were relevant. Thank you very much for a wonderful stay and a great academic conference.
Kind regards,
Antonio Manrique de Luna"

"I also wanted to congratulate you again for the well-organised and successful conference and, of course, your overwhelming hospitality. For me it was a very positive experience, and I was delighted to meet so many interesting people.
I also hope we can continue to collaborate in the future. In this regard, I am pleased to be on the CKS scientific committee.
Kind regards,
"As a PhD student myself, this conference has provided me with an opportunity to meet experienced researchers from a wide variety of countries and educational backgrounds. This has made the CKS an even more enriching and unforgettable experience, one that I would highly recommend attending. I would therefore like to thank all CKS organizers for this opportunity. It would be a pleasure and a great honor to take part in futute editions.
Amaya Angulo Garzaro, PhD student"
"Allow me to repeat that I have wonderful memories of the conference and I was very satisfied by the organization of the conference. You and your colleagues invested a huge amount of time and effort and it did pay off.
Also, thank you for having taken care of us the participants so well. The only suggestion that crosses mind is that the panels could be organized in a way so that the presentations can connect thematically with each other but I understand that this depends on the specific papers you accept.
Kind regards,
Christoforos Ioannidis"
"Pe aceasta cale doresc sa va multumesc pentru ocazia de a participa si prezenta lucrarea la conferinta internationala organizata de dumneavoastra, CKS 2014 si sa va felicit pentru buna organizare. La anul voi participa din nou!
Cu stima,
Ing. George Cristian Gruia"