CKS 2018 / Guidelines for the Authors
The papers must be entirely written in English language; they must have minimum 3000 words and maximum 12000 words and must exactly comply with the instructions bellow. Papers which don’t comply with the formatting conditions described below will be returned to the authors and will only be taken into consideration for final review when they fulfill the mentioned standards.
CKS complies with Creative Commons Licence Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
All the authors who intend to publish their scientific papers in CKS must accept these as the terms of publication.
Template (for versions of MS Office previous to MS Office 2013):
Empty template (for MS Office 2013):
Example of article in template (for MS Office 2013):
Papers must be written clearly, concisely, and without any ambiguities.
Rules on citation and bibliography:
TITLE OF THE PAPER (centered, bold, Times, 12, CAPS LOCK, one column)
THE FIRST NAME AND THE SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR (centered, Times, bold, 10, one column) (the affiliation and the webmail address will be added like a footnote at the first name and the surname of the author)
ABSTRACT (Times, bold, 10, one column)
No more than 300 words. The abstract must clearly specify the purpose of the paper and the objectives pursued by the author by his/her study (Times, 9, Italic, justify, one column).
KEYWORDS: five key words, defining the subject approached in the paper. To be written in Times, 9, italic, one column.
INTRODUCTION (Times, bold, 10, justify, two columns)
The introduction shall have a page at the most, however not less than half a page. The text must provide answers for four questions. (1) What matter does the paper cover? (2) Why is the studied matter important? (3) How does the author intend to answer to this matter? (4) What is the relation between the paper and the already existent specialized literature? This introductory section shall be written clearly, and any confusion in communicating the four answers might result in paper rejection. (Times, 10, justify, two columns)
PAPER CONTENT (headline depending on the specific of the approach subject) (Times, bold, 10, justify, two columns)
In this section the author must present and argue his/her research outcomes. The author is free to choose the structure of his/her paper content depending on the specific of theapproached subject. (Times, 10, justify, two columns)
CONCLUSIONS (Times, bold, 10, justify, two columns)
The conclusions section shall cover three elements: (1) it shall summarize the main outcomes; (2) it shall present the expected impact of the research outcomes; (3) it shall include suggestions for further research work. (Times, 10, justify, two columns)
RERERENCES (Times, bold, 11, italic, justify, one column)
References shall be written in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style. The authors shall visit for rapid guidelines. (Times, 9, justify, one column).
References are mandatory. There are accepted only footnotes.