CKS 2019 / Publication Opportunities
All accepted papers will be included in the CKS 2018 Journal, proceedings with ISSN number, published by “Nicolae Titulescu” University Publishing House. The CKS 2018 Journal is indexed in the following international data bases: EBSCO CEEAS, DOAJ, Index Copernicus and Ulrich's.
Subsequent to the Conference, the authors whose papers were selected will be invited to submit them for inclusion in one of the following high-impact international academic journals:
§ LESIJ – Lex ET Scientia International Journal, published by the “Nicolae Titulescu” University, is indexed by:
- EBSCO-CEEAS Database (
- CEEOL Database (
- Hein Online Database (
- DOAJ International Database (
§ RRSS – Romanian Review of Social Sciences, an official publication of the Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, „Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest (
RRSS is currently indexed and included in: EBSCO Publishing; Index Copernicus; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (part of a subsidiary of ProQuest - Serials Solutions); Cabell's Publishing (Economics & Finance and Management Directories); New Jour Catalog (Georgetown Library).
§ RRDPI – The Intellectual Property Right Romanian Magazine. RRDPI is currently indexed in CEEOL.
Computational Methods in Social Sciences is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with a semiannual frequency.
CMSS is aimed to publish papers on information technology, statistics, computational methods and quantitative analysis applied in social sciences.
ISSN - 2344 – 1232
CMSS is currently indexed in DOAJ, IndexCopernicus, RePEc, Ulrich's, Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Google Academic, JournalSeek-Genamics (pending), Cabell’s Directories (pending).
§ GLOBECO - Global Economic Observer -, currently indexed in ProQuest, Doaj, EBSCO, RePEc, Cabell’’s Directory, Open Academic Journals Index, WorldCat, EconPapers