CKS 2011-eBook – indexing process in C.E.E.O.L., International Database
The proceedings of the conference Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2011 edition, is currently in an indexing process in C.E.E.O.L. (Central and Eastern European Online Library). C.E.E.O.L. is an online archive that provides full open access to articles/papers in PDF format, published in scientific journals in human and social sciences areas, from Central Europe, East and South-East Europe. The main purpose of C.E.E.O.L. is to provide an important instrument to specialists of these fields, from Central Europe, East and South-East Europe. C.E.E.O.L. is the online resource leader in East and South-East Europe, offering a remarkable portfolio of app. 100000 studies from over 500 scientific journals, published by Academic Institutions or other independent research entities. The specific areas of interest of the titles from C.E.E.O.L. are human and social sciences, all the journals being well known for their scientific quality. All these aspects mentioned above, also the collecting and dissemination procedures of all the relevant scientific contributions give to C.E.E.O.L. products international visibility and a high quality.